In this article, DHL experts Brian Gaunt, senior director of operations development, and Matthew Dippold, director of operations development, discuss the development process and the innovative solution that resulted from the strategic collaboration between Boston Dynamics and DHL Supply Chain

By DHL Supply Chain · February 14, 2023

Breakthrough technologies don’t just happen. They result from extensive development efforts and, in the case of the new Boston Dynamics Stretch™ robot now unloading containers in a DHL Supply Chain warehouse, close collaboration between partners with complementary expertise.

Stretch was developed through a strategic collaboration between the two companies with Boston Dynamics providing world-class robotics technology and DHL supplying unmatched warehouse operations expertise and proven processes for integrating automation into the supply chain. In this article, DHL experts Brian Gaunt, senior director of operations development, and Matthew Dippold, director of operations development, discuss the development process and the innovative solution that resulted from it.